Location: Concourse A, Gate A15
Phone: (678) 984-0185
E-mail: WecareATL@armatlanta.com
B•ICONIC® offers women’s and men’s fashion accessories, at value pricing, but with the look and feel of luxury brands twice their retail. The store pulsates with a fresh, bright and contemporary feel created by merchandising items by color. This layout makes it easy for even novice buyers to find complementary items, while also creating a unique look of their own. The majority of products fall within the US$10 to US$50 range, making it an affordable destination for all shoppers. B•ICONIC® is attuned to market trends, and has developed a broad selection of trendy styles and products. These include top-selling categories such as watches, jewelry, handbags,scarves, men’s ties hats, sunglasses, belts, footwear, gift sets, hairaccessories, and travel comfort products. A must stop destination for anyone looking to add some inexpensive flair to their wardrobe.